Affordable Online Couples Counseling & Marriage. What Are Your Options?
You are probably looking for affordable online couples counseling (or affordable online marriage counseling) if you landed here.
If that’s the case, then we, here at Psychology Help, recommend using Regain as it is one of the most affordable and the largest online couples counseling services (thousands of therapists).
For just $65 to $100 a week you’ll have one session per week as well as use of the platform for you to ask real time couple questions.
Start by filling out this form. You’ll be matched with a couples therapist that have helped others with your specific issues before.
Fill it out carefully and take your time as the better you do it the best matching therapist you’ll get.
Get matched with a Regain couples counselor.
Effective, convenient, and affordable online sessions. Start by filling out this survey in it’s entirety.
Issues couples’ face
If we are in a relationship the chances are there are things we don’t agree on. We can’t seem to get through to the person that means the most to us. We can’t seem to get past it, whatever ‘it’ is.
It could be something we want from a relationship that we are not getting. One partner seems to be spending too much time elsewhere. Or we have realised that we don’t seem to want to do same things together anymore in a way that seems to matter and it’s getting in the way of that harmonious space we have when we are getting on well. We want to solve this problem so we can feel like we are moving forward with our partner in the direction we had hoped for.
While we may have friends or family around us that we can discuss many of life’s issues with, many of us would rather not disclose more with them than we would feel comfortable with in the future, which is why the idea of a confidential and professional approach to helping us could be a better way.
It’s at times like this that we could find online couples counseling helpful. Affordable online couples counseling with offers accessible and convenient alternatives to more traditional relationship counseling methods.
How does online couples therapy work?
Affordable online couples counseling, or as it is sometimes referred to online relationship therapy, can take many forms meaning there is sure to be a format you are comfortable with and it’s also possible to maintain a comfortable level of namelessness if you prefer.
What are your options for affordable online marriage counseling?
Common methods offered in the field of affordable online couples can include:
- Messaging, via email, text, video or audio; which could also be arranged as a series of real-time or live sessions.
- A self-help program, where you and your partner would work together on online or prescribed activities to better understand and solve your relationship issues.
- Short-term therapy, for couples who would like to talk to a therapist on a short-term basis without getting involved in a longer plan.
- Solution focused sessions, for marriage counseling, pre-marital counseling, couples therapy and coaching for individuals looking for relationships, where strategies aimed at improving communication and connection are explored.
- An overall assessment approach which is started off with a video interview session with you and your partner, which your therapist uses to provide you with feedback on how you appear to interact with each other within your relationship.
The options we most often provide are email or online chat, either through an app or our website. However, video or telephone call are also available, but even then, you do not have to use your real name(s) if you so choose.
Affordable online couples counseling and affordable online marriage counseling sessions with can be scheduled around you, using your preferred method, meaning your sessions can be arranged at times that will be convenient for you, and because you can do them from anywhere, you need not let anyone know, if you feel that is for the best.
What’s involved in affordable online couples counseling?
Affordable online couples counseling, just like face to face methods, means being honest about your emotions and trusting the person you are with.
It can be difficult to feel so vulnerable, but remember: a therapist only supports you through what is a difficult time and is not there to judge either of you.
Exploring your thoughts and emotions may lead to crying, shouting or other emotional outbursts. These are welcomed if they are needed, as long as they are not directed at the therapist.
Having a safe space to really feel is not common and so the therapist is also there to guide you if your emotions should come to the surface.
How long does it take?
There is no set time for couples counseling and no two people or situations are the same. The amount of time the online relationship therapy continues is normally agreed upon by you and your counsellor. However, whilst therapists are experienced in helping, the focus is on you and how you feel, rather than trying to fit your feelings into a scientific model. affordable online marriage counseling.
Is online couples counseling effective?
There have been a number of studies carried out into the efficacy of online based counseling methods*. These have continuously demonstrated that online based counseling therapy has similar levels of effectiveness as more traditional methods.
In some ways, online couples therapy could be better too. For example, you would not need to find extra time to travel to meet your therapist. You could both access support from different locations which could also be helpful for those living abroad or even for those who may feel more comfortable talking to someone in their native language.
Seeking professional help when you can’t find your own way forward means you care about your quality of life and online based counseling can offer a convenient way for you to explore your issues and potentially restore the equilibrium you may have lost in your emotional life.
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