Trauma Therapy

Sexual Abuse and Promiscuity Counseling. Best Therapy for Sexual Abuse Victims, Here.

Sexual Abuse and Promiscuity Counseling. Best Therapy for Sexual Abuse Victims, Here.

Sexual abuse victims suffer from PTSD and a number of other severe psychological effects as a consequence of the trauma. Many sexual abuse victims won’t even realize that they’re showing signs and symptoms of unresolved sexual abuse trauma. Each sexual abuse victim processes and reacts differently to their sexual abuse experience, at times the trauma causes such severe damage, it has can be linked to promiscuity. If you are a sexual abuse victim or know someone that is and are concerned about the after effects…

The Damaging Long-Term Effects of Emotional Abuse.

The Damaging Long-Term Effects of Emotional Abuse.

Emotional abuse occurs in interpersonal relationships as well as in professional relationships. The effects of emotional neglect or mistreatment are extremely damaging to one’s psychological and personal well-being. It is imperative to identify warning signs and symptoms of emotional abuse from the onset to avoid the long-term effects thereof.

When dealing with emotional manipulation from a parent…

The Importance of Resolving Childhood Trauma.

The Importance of Resolving Childhood Trauma.

Childhood trauma is known to cause predetermined psychological, attachment, and relational challenges later in life. The long-term effects of unresolved childhood trauma are wide-ranging, from developing PTSD, ADHD, schizophrenia, narcissism, and mental health disorders. In addition to childhood trauma impacting psychological development, unresolved childhood trauma can negatively affect relationships.

Warning Signs to Leave an Emotionally Toxic Situation.

Warning Signs to Leave an Emotionally Toxic Situation.

Although physical violence is the most commonly reported and notable form of abuse, covert methods of manipulation or control have severely damaging psychological long-term effects.

Covert abuse is a subtle and insidious manner in which abusive individuals control and manipulate others. In a work environment, it is common to experience verbal abuse from a co-worker or employer, leaving negative feelings to fester…

Sexual Abuse: The Importance of Understanding and Addressing it.

Sexual Abuse: The Importance of Understanding and Addressing it.

Victims of sexual abuse experience long-term effects of the incident trauma. Causing a multitude of challenges that leads to developing toxic avoidance and coping mechanisms. The importance of acknowledging and effectively addressing sexual abuse can reduce the risk of further severe damage.

Sexual abuse is known to be linked to PTSD, CPTSD, PD, depression and anxiety among various other serve challenges and disorders. If sexual…

Warning signs of sexual abuse in teenager. Best online sexual abuse counseling for teens and parents.

Warning signs of sexual abuse in teenager. Best online sexual abuse counseling for teens and parents.

As parents we find it challenging to connect with our children at times, especially during puberty and teenage years when they start to distance themselves and begin to figure out who they are. As their character starts to develop, these changes are normal and as parents we want to respect our kids’ boundaries and space to grow. But how distant is too distant? If you suspect that your teenager may have experienced some form of sexual abuse, it is important to pay very close attention to their behavioral changes.

Healing from childhood sexual abuse.  Best Christian sexual abuse counseling.

Healing from childhood sexual abuse. Best Christian sexual abuse counseling.

Understanding the effects of childhood sexual abuse can be very difficult, one common sign of childhood sexual abuse is being unable to recall many things from your childhood, including the sexual abuse that happened to you. Oftentimes when a child is sexually abused, psychologically they develop a “block” that causes them to have gaps in their recollection of their childhood. This happens because the trauma of the experience sends the brain and the body into immense shock and stress, resulting in the inability to process and release the stress…

Affordable Therapy to Treat PTSD from Emotional Abuse

Affordable Therapy to Treat PTSD from Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse, physical abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, verbal abuse. They are all very different forms of abuse but have one common effect – trauma. When someone is a victim of emotional abuse, they experience psychological and emotional damage – these effects can manifest into more complicated challenges that can cause PTSD. What is PTSD? PTSD – Post traumatic stress disorder, this happens after a traumatic or life changing experience occurs and it has a direct effect on someone’s psychological development…

Why Do Emotional Abusers Blame Victims? Therapy for Emotional Abuse Victims.

Why Do Emotional Abusers Blame Victims? Therapy for Emotional Abuse Victims.

Emotional abuse is severely damaging, emotionally and psychologically. More often than not most emotional abuse victims begin to develop anxiety, depression and various other mental challenges that can manifest into physical health problems. It’s important as an emotional abuse victim to address the effects of the abuse before it develops into something untreatable and life-threatening. Emotional abusers blame victims for their own actions as a form of manipulation and control, this is a common form…

How to Leave an Emotionally Abusive Relationship Safely. Best Therapy for Emotional Abuse.

How to Leave an Emotionally Abusive Relationship Safely. Best Therapy for Emotional Abuse.

Emotionally abusive relationships do not only become harder to leave after some time, but they can become dangerous and even life-threatening. More than 70% of women end up in life-threatening positions when trying to leave an emotionally abusive relationship. If you are in an emotionally abusive relationship and need to find a way to leave safely, please connect to a professional who will be able to guide you through the process of leaving safely.

How to stop being emotionally abusive? Best online therapy for abusers

How to stop being emotionally abusive? Best online therapy for abusers

If you have realized that you may be emotionally abusive and have made a declaration to yourself saying, ‘I want to stop being emotionally abusive’. You’re one step away from learning how to get better and heal yourself. As someone that’s acknowledged their emotional abusive tendencies and are reaching out for professional therapy for abusers, you’ve already taken the first step – be proud of yourself.

Counseling for Emotionally Abusive Relationships. Affordable Emotional Abuse Therapy.

Counseling for Emotionally Abusive Relationships. Affordable Emotional Abuse Therapy.

‘WEmotionally abusive relationships are severely damaging to one’s psychological and emotional well-being. The abusive partner sometimes doesn’t show directly noticeable signs, it can be hard to detect from the inside as the victim. Usually in a relationship when there is an emotionally abusive girlfriend or an emotionally abusive boyfriend, people find themselves wondering and asking themselves, ‘Why is it hard to leave an emotionally abusive relationship?’, and ‘could emotional abuse therapy help me?‘

Counseling for Covert Emotional Abuse Marriage. Emotional Abuse Therapy Near Me.

Counseling for Covert Emotional Abuse Marriage. Emotional Abuse Therapy Near Me.

Covert emotional abuse is one of the most subtle but damaging forms of abuse. It is the hardest abuse form to identify and even describe, especially if you’re experiencing it. It’s kept in secret, hidden, not acknowledged, or not denied all at the same time. Covert emotional abuse is far more psychological and emotional, it can be hard to recognize the signs from the onlooker or even the victim.

Psychological Effects of Emotional Abuse. Therapy for Emotional Abuse Victims

Psychological Effects of Emotional Abuse. Therapy for Emotional Abuse Victims

Victims of emotional abuse suffer severe psychological effects that may not be immediate but can affect them later in life and throughout if not dealt with accordingly. The consequences of emotional abuse in relationships or in families can cause individuals to develop toxic and unhealthy coping mechanisms, high-risk behavior, substance abuse and consequently this has a negative affect on their mental , physical and emotional well-being.

Christian Counseling for Emotionally Abusive Parents.  Online Domestic Abuse Therapy

Christian Counseling for Emotionally Abusive Parents. Online Domestic Abuse Therapy

Emotionally abusive parents tend to take their unhealed trauma out on the people closest to and around them. Unfortunately, this makes children the number one target. Emotional abuse is a form of domestic abuse, it is an extremely traumatic and damaging form of abuse and leaves long-term effects as a consequence.

Faithful Counseling aims to make sure that you are connected to the best online…

Counseling to Treat Family Emotional Abuse. Christian Family Therapy Near Me

Counseling to Treat Family Emotional Abuse. Christian Family Therapy Near Me

Emotional abuse amongst families is a traumatic experience. Identifying the signs of family emotional abuse can cause anxiety, stress and fear. We encourage families that have been through any form of emotional abuse to connect to a Christian family therapist through Faithful Counseling to help you all heal from the effects of the abuse you have experienced.

Verbal Abuse at Work Counseling. Best Online Verbal Abuse Therapist Near Me

Verbal Abuse at Work Counseling. Best Online Verbal Abuse Therapist Near Me

Verbal abuse at work is a common issue, it can be very subtle, and sometimes even go unnoticed. If you are experiencing verbal abuse in the workplace or even in personal relationships and are struggling to navigate through this challenge, we can help you find the best ways to solve it and overcome it.

To support the cost of our psychology-educated staff and IT development…

Depression from Childhood Trauma, Therapy. Best Online Childhood Trauma and Depression Psychologist.

Depression from Childhood Trauma, Therapy. Best Online Childhood Trauma and Depression Psychologist.

Depression as a result of childhood trauma can be detrimental in the long run if left untreated. A number of certified psychologists and specialists have completed studies that begged the answer to the question, “Can childhood trauma cause depression later in life?”, and the answer was evidently, yes. A childhood trauma and depression psychologist is always highly recommended to make sure that you avoid any further emotional, mental, or psychological damage.

Narcissism and Childhood Trauma. Best Online Narcissistic Abuse Therapy Near Me.

Narcissism and Childhood Trauma. Best Online Narcissistic Abuse Therapy Near Me.

Did you know that most people find it hard to have empathy for extreme narcissists which causes them to dive deeper into their narcissism? 90% of narcissists come from unstable and emotionally distraught places from a very young age.

If you have realized or felt that you may be experiencing narcissistic traits or behavior, or found yourself asking the mirror, “What is narcissism abuse?”, and, “Could my narcissism…

Online Grief Counselling. How Online Therapy Can Help You Manage Grief.

Online Grief Counselling. How Online Therapy Can Help You Manage Grief.

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Life is full of ups and downs. Unfortunately, some downs can be particularly bad and difficult to cope with, for example when we experience the loss of a loved one. However, we can also experience grief in many other situations.

Online therapy for anger management. How anger management sessions can help.

Online therapy for anger management. How anger management sessions can help.

We all get angry sometimes, it’s normal. In certain contexts, and if controlled, feeling angry and expressing it can be good for you. Perhaps you are angry for not looking after your body and so hit the gym and run harder. Maybe you fail a test and so study harder. In this sense anger can motivate you to change a bad habit and instigate positive change.

Sometimes anger can be a symptom of another emotion such as fear or sadness…