Verbal Abuse at Work Counseling. Best Online Verbal Abuse Therapist Near Me

Verbal abuse at work is a common issue, it can be very subtle, and sometimes even go unnoticed.

If you are experiencing verbal abuse in the workplace or even in personal relationships and are struggling to navigate through this challenge, we can help you find the best ways to solve it and overcome it.

Any form of abuse can cause tremendous amounts of challenges as a result, you can experience negative effects long-term of verbal abuse.

Verbal Abuse Counseling Near Me

Psychology Sessions from Home

Whether you’re experiencing verbal abuse at work from a verbally abusive boss, verbally abusive clients, or you may be developing anxiety from abusive relationships. BetterHelp verbal abuse therapists have the experience, skills and knowledge to assist you with the challenges.

How do I find a good verbal abuse therapist near me?

The first step to finding a good verbal abuse therapist near me is to make a list of the feelings and emotions you are experiencing that are causing you distress, anxiety or discomfort. BetterHelp will connect you to a verbal abuse therapist, you want to make sure that you choose the most eligible, qualified and experienced verbal abuse therapist in order to get the most effective verbal abuse counseling, by carefully answering this questionnaire.

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Our team at BetterHelp has made our  online verbal abuse therapists and counselors conveniently available to you at any time. Choose from a selection of the most certified, professional and experienced therapists, we assure you that you will receive the best online verbal therapy for you.

 BetterHelp online methods of therapy are affordable and highly effective. Our therapists and counselors have healed countless individuals on so many levels through our therapy sessions and learned how to overcome their challenges, scars and traumas. BetterHelp offers safe counseling, healing and comfort.

Your healing is our priority at BetterHelp .

Signs you’re in a verbally abusive relationship.

What is verbal abuse? It is a strong form of emotional abuse where someone uses their words to assault, ridicule, manipulate, dominate or degrade you. This negatively impacts your psychological well-being. Verbal abuse is not always recognized, in fact, many people assume they would be able to pick it up, this is not always the case. Verbal abuse is a means of controlling or trying to maintain power over another person, this happens to countless people regularly and they are unaware.

 You can experience verbal abuse in any kind of relationship regardless of the nature: romantic, family relationships, parent-child relationships, and co-worker relationships. The effects of verbal abuse in relationships can cause an array of severe psychological challenges. Oftentimes it is assumed that verbal abuse is not as bad as physical abuse, contrary to this belief, studies have shown that there are signs that prove the connection between verbal abuse and psychological damage.

 Verbal abuse victims tend to question whether or they have experienced verbal abuse and if it was/is truly abusive. Here are some of the indicators and signs of verbal abuse in relationships:

  1. Name calling.

 When you engage with someone and they call you names, it is a form and sign of verbal abuse. Even if these names are used in a neutral tone of voice, it is not acceptable treatment.


 This happens when someone uses critical, sarcastic, derogatory words that are intended to put you down. They might comment on the way you speak, dress, or even question your intelligence. Shaming is any comment that makes you feel ashamed or less inferior.

 3․Jokes at your expense

 A verbally abusive boss or person will make you the center of their jokes, this can happen in private or in company. If you don’t find it funny or feel offended by these jokes, it is no longer harmless fun, it is verbal and emotional abuse. Most times your weakness or vulnerable areas will be targeted to make these jokes.

 4․Public humiliation.

 Being insulted publicly by a friend, peer, co-worker, family member or even partner. This is particularly painful.

 5․Unnecessary criticism.  

 If it’s not constructive criticism, if it hurts your feelings or causes you to feel ashamed, that is a sign of verbal abuse, whether done in public or private.

 6․Screaming, yelling, swearing or threats.

 Anyone who yells and curses at you is displaying power, this is an attempt to control and intimidate you. If it is abusive, you should not tolerate or excuse this. If you are being threatened in any way, remember that this is another method of someone trying to make you fearful and manipulate you.

 All the above mentioned indicators are signs of verbal abuse in relationships. No matter the nature of the relationship, these signs are a warning. A Verbal abuse therapist near me can help you further identify signs of verbal abuse and heal from the effects of emotional and verbal abuse.

What is verbal abuse at work?

Verbal abuse at work is a challenge to deal with, most people find themselves being bullied by an emotionally abusive boss, in some cases, depending on your work place, you may experience verbally abusive customers or even verbally abusive customers.

What are some of the indications of verbal abuse at work?

  • Being insulted
  • Belittled
  • Humiliated
  • Denounced
  • Embarrassed
  • Discredited
  • Undermined or
  • Criticized

If anyone in the workplace is directing any form of harmful or negative statements toward someone in an attempt to cause emotional harm, that is a clear form of emotional abuse in the workplace and it should be dealt with immediately.

However, if you have been experiencing verbal abuse at work, or feel like you may have developed anxiety from verbal abuse and want to learn how to stop verbal abuse, we highly recommend connecting to a verbal abuse counselor near me for verbal abuse counseling․

Do you have a verbally abusive boss?

Having an emotionally abusive boss can be an absolutely horrific experience, especially because you may be dealing with it on a frequent basis. A verbally abusive boss can cross lines and boundaries, making employees feel highly uncomfortable, insecure and faced with emotional damage or develop anxiety from emotional abuse.

 If you are in the unfortunate position where you have a verbally abusive boss mistreating you. We encourage you to take the necessary steps toward how to stop verbal abuse before it becomes unbearable.

 Connecting to a verbal abuse therapist to guide you through verbal abuse counseling in order to deal with the effects of your experience with verbal abuse or learning how to stop emotional abuse.

Can I suffer anxiety from verbal abuse?

Verbal abuse is a form of emotional and mental abuse, it is extremely damaging. There is a direct connection between verbal abuse and anxiety which is commonly overlooked by people.

 Verbal abuse causes long term negative effects, it can cause chronic stress and trauma that leads to a long list of mental and psychological disorders, one being anxiety. According to scientists, it has been explained that verbal abuse is extremely damaging, as it affects both hemispheres of the brain which leads to serious health challenges. Unlike physical or sexual abuse, verbal abuse is not as easily defined or recognized and it sometimes hard to identify. It is hard to identify damage of verbal abuse because it can be subtle and happen over long periods of time, it also causes internal damage which is not as easily picked up on.

How to stop verbal abuse

Handling verbal abuse is not easy, learning how to stop verbal abuse can be even harder. Whether a person is intentionally harmful or not, despite their intent as a result it can still be very harmful to you and cause long term emotional, mental and psychological damage.

 There are a number of ways to stop verbal abuse or handle it correctly. We urge you to find a verbal abuse therapist near me as soon as possible so that you receive the support you need when dealing with and learning how to stop verbal abuse.

 1․Call it out.

 The first and most important step is to call it out. Many people are shy and afraid to confront the person that is verbally abusing them, however, it is important to let the person know that they are causing you discomfort or pain in their mistreatment. When doing this make sure that if the person is in a powerful position over you, like your boss, it is advised that you discuss the matter with a neutral party – either a supervisor or superior.

 Always remain as calm as possible when addressing verbal abuse directly.

 2․Use clear language to demand them to stop.

 A lot of the time you can be tempted to speak gently and brush it off, especially if you’re not a confrontational person. However, it is your best bet to be very clear and firm when confronting this matter. This experience can be very upsetting and emotional for both people. Make sure you are in a comfortable and safe environment to make sure that you are not at risk of physical harm or at risk of losing your job.

 3․Avoid engaging with the abuser.

 It can be easier said than done, sometimes you naturally want to retaliate and be mean back. Rather don’t. Walk away because your reaction will almost definitely escalate the severity of the abuse and put yourself in a position to be labelled as a verbally abusive person. To avoid  any of that, try your best not to engage directly with the person.

 4․Remain as calm as possible, if possible.

 When being provoked, especially verbally, it is natural to feel the need to retaliate. In most cases, the person who is verbally abusing you is wanting exactly that – for you to react. Do your best to stay calm when engaging with the person or calm yourself down before engaging with them.

 5․Firm boundaries.

 After confronting this person, set boundaries, active, clear and firm boundaries. Make sure that your boundaries are active, don’t just talk about them, set consequences attached to your boundaries.

 If those steps don’t seem to work, you should seek help, we encourage people who are challenged with verbal abuse to reach out and connect to a verbal abuse therapist in order to help them learn how to identify signs of verbal abuse, how to stop verbal abuse, how to deal with an verbally abusive boss, co-workers or verbally abusive customers.

 If you’re in a relationship and are experiencing verbal abuse, seeing a verbal abuse therapist can help you navigate through and learn how to stop the verbal abuse.

How does online verbal abuse counseling work?

BetterHelp online verbal abuse therapists are certified, trained and experienced in dealing with verbal abuse, whether you’re experiencing verbal abuse in a relationship, verbal abuse at work from a verbally abusive boss – we are confident that we will be able to provide you with the best online verbal abuse counseling.

It’s important to realize that there are unnoticeable forms for verbal abuse that cause psychological and emotional damage in the long run. Usually in relationships, people start to develop anxiety from verbal abuse and don’t even notice it or become complacent and accept it.

Our online verbal abuse counseling sessions are highly effective, affordable and convenient. With your choice of a personal verbal abuse therapist, we can assure you that you will be carefully guided through dealing with your challenges and overcoming them.

How will an online verbal abuse therapist improve my life?

Online verbal abuse therapy, unlike traditional methods of therapy, are intentionally made convenient, affordable and effective. Our verbal abuse therapists are extensively trained and help you understand, heal and overcome verbal abuse.

 With direct access to your therapist, you are given the choice of conducting your verbal abuse counselling sessions your way, video call, phone call, email, text – whatever you need and wherever you need it, you can have it.

 Your healing is our number one priority, we want to ensure that you receive the most comfortable, professional, and effective verbal abuse counseling. By the end of your sessions, you would have learnt what verbal abuse at work is, how to identify, confront and deal with a verbally abusive boss, understand how to see verbal abuse in a relationship signs, and most importantly, how to stop verbal abuse and heal from the effects of verbal abuse in a relationship.

 Get your confidence back and learn how to deal with verbal and emotional abuse today.

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