Black Christian therapist near me. A review on the best online African American Christian counseling.

If you’re looking for a Black Christian therapist near you, the answer might be closer than you think.

You can find African American Christian counseling online at affordable prices, no matter where you live.

Psychology Sessions from Home

Best black Christian therapist near me – BetterHelp Counseling

BetterHelp is a faith-based mental health platform that connects clients to therapists offering African American Christian counseling.

Through BetterHelp, you can find a Black Christian therapist who can help you achieve your life’s goals, using a mix of secular and faith-based approaches according to your needs.

Get matched with a BetterHelp Counseling black Christian therapist.

Effective, convenient, and affordable online sessions. Start by filling out this survey in it’s entirety.

3 Examples of black Christian counselors from BetterHelp Counseling

DaVaugn Jackson

black christian therapist near me

DaVaughn trained as a Licensed Professional Counselor and in Biblical Counseling. She uses the Bible in her sessions but can also use secular methods such as Motivational Interviewing, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, psychoeducation, risk assessment, and mindfulness.

Shana Latham

african american christian counseling

Shana is a Licensed Professional Counselor who uses Biblical principles in her counseling sessions. Shana has 16 years of counseling experience working with clients on issues such as conflict resolution, depression, and substance abuse.

Terry Turner James

black christian counselors

Terry is a Black Christian therapist Licensed as a Mental Health Counselor. She has an in-depth knowledge of the Bible and of Psychology. Terry has experience working with individuals and couples on issues such as grief, anger, marital problems, anxiety, and depression.

What is BetterHelp Counseling and how does it work?

BetterHelp is the leading platform for African American Christian counseling.

To get started on the BetterHelp website, choose a counselor you would like to work with through the profile and reviews page or click the “get started” button.

You’ll start by answering a few questions about yourself, the emotional challenges you’re currently dealing with, your faith, and your preference regarding the use of prayer and scripture in your sessions.

You’ll get a message once you have a match with an available therapist. The two of you can message each other and set up a session at a time that suits both of you.

What makes sessions from BetterHelp Counseling for specifically African Americans stand out?

  • BetterHelp Counseling hosts a large number of Black Christian counselors from all over the US. No matter where you live, you can easily find a counselor who understands your faith, culture, and background. You can choose a therapist you would like to work with through their profile page or let the website’s algorithm do the work for you.
  • You can individually tailor your sessions according to your comfort levels. Whether you prefer longer or shorter sessions based on your schedule or need to use live chat sessions for any reasons, BetterHelp Counseling can suit your needs.
  • All of the therapists on BetterHelp Counseling are licensed mental health care professionals with Doctorate or Master’s degrees. They’re also practicing Christians who believe in the word of God, and it’s power. Each therapist verifies that their beliefs align with the website’s Statement of Faith before working on the platform.


A subscription to BetterHelp Counseling includes all your weekly sessions and costs just $65 to $100 per week, billed every four weeks. You can pay using your credit card or PayPal account.


If you’re looking for a Black Christian therapist near you, try online counseling. Specialized mental health platforms like BetterHelp Counseling offer African American Christian Counseling online. There, you will find a large number of Black Christian counselors who can help you with any emotional, mental, or spiritual issues you may be having.


  1. John McNeill

    Do you have African American male counselors

  2. Wanda johnson

    I’m caregiver and it’s suggested to speak with a therapist

  3. Tony

    Hi! My name is Tony. I am in search of a Christian Counselor for a female friend of mine. I’m not sure of any one specific area of counseling she needs, but I believe it’s for multiple issues. Most importantly, I’m don’t know of her relationship with Jesus(if she’s trusted Him as her LORD&SAVIOUR). And is that something you invite the patient to accept? Thanks! Hope to hear from you soon. P.S. do you have counselors in Tampa, Florida.? And do you have a full list of your Counselors I can review?

  4. Lynn Jones

    Seeking a counselor for my 16 yr old daughter.

  5. Faye

    Do you accept health insurance & are you receiving new patients? Trying to help my sister who is grieving & feeling overwhelmed & depressed find counseling & a possible support group.

  6. Angel Stokes

    Hi, I’m looking for a therapist for my 17-year-old daughter. She has been experiencing anxiety for years especially centered around school which just began on August 1. This is her senior year.

    • Amy

      Do you have black female counslers in Colorado, that have in person sessions?


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