How to Leave an Emotionally Abusive Relationship Safely. Best Therapy for Emotional Abuse.

Emotionally abusive relationships do not only become harder to leave after some time, but they can become dangerous and even life-threatening.

More than 70% of women end up in life-threatening positions when trying to leave an emotionally abusive relationship.

If you are in an emotionally abusive relationship and need to find a way to leave safely, please connect to a professional who will be able to guide you through the process of leaving safely.

Best Therapy for Emotional Abuse

Psychology Sessions from HomeRegain has a team of trusted, certified and professional emotional abuse therapists that have experience in assisting women that are trying to figure out how to leave an emotionally abusive relationship, how to stop loving an emotional abuser, how to get self-esteem back after emotional abuse, as well as get answers to questions such as, ‘How do I get over an emotionally abusive relationship?’, ‘Why do I always get mistreated?’, and to help women build the courage and strength to know when to leave an emotionally abusive relationship.

Best therapy for emotional abuse – Regain

The experience of an emotionally abusive relationship is a deeply traumatic experience, the long term effects of emotional abuse can lead to psychological challenges that develop into depression, anxiety, or PTSD. In some cases, these psychological challenges manifest into ailments such as chronic pain, muscle pain/tension, headaches, heart disease and many more.

Regain offers the best online emotional abuse therapy, our emotional abuse therapists are all extensively trained, experienced and certified. They have successfully been able to help and heal thousands of women overcome emotionally abusive relationships, how to safely leave an emotionally abusive relationship, understand and accept when to leave an emotionally abusive relationship or how to find strength when leaving an emotionally abusive husband.

Emotional abuse therapy teaches you how to get over an emotionally abusive relationship, helping you to answer questions you may have, such as, ‘Why do I get mistreated?’, ‘Will I learn how to stop loving an emotional abuser?’. Our emotional abuse therapists are there to help offer you the support you need when overcoming emotional trauma. These sessions with an emotional abuse therapist will guide you closely and help you to take the steps towards learning how to get your self-esteem back after emotional abuse.

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Regain has carefully created an easy 5 minutes sign up to get you matched with an emotional abuse therapist. Simply fill out our questionnaire carefully, based on your answers, we will select the most appropriate and well-matched emotional abuse therapists for you to choose from.

Why do I always get mistreated?

Victims in emotionally abusive relationships very commonly end up blaming themselves. It is the most natural response to abuse – to turn inwards and internalise the pain or the emotional abuse. If you have experienced an emotionally abusive relationship as the victim, you always seem to have internal conflict and tend to ask yourself things like, ‘Why do I always get mistreated?’.

First and foremost, we encourage you to reach out to an emotional abuse therapist to help you understand that emotional abuse has nothing to do with you. An emotionally abusive husband or an emotionally abusive boyfriend may make you feel as though you are to blame, they will make you feel that you are worthless and always at fault. This is a tactic or method that is used to try and control you and have power over you. Many emotionally abusive people suffer from a deep sense of insecurity, lack of strength and very low self-esteem. Consequently, emotionally abusive people project their insecurities onto people around them, unfortunately, this is most commonly their significant others.

The reason that you may be constantly asking yourself, ‘Why am I always mistreated?’, may be an indication that you need to learn how to leave an emotionally abusive relationship. Emotional abuse therapy will be able to help you identify the signs and indicators of emotional abuse, as well as teach you how to get over an emotionally abusive relationship.

If you find yourself asking the question, ‘Why am I always mistreated?’. It is an extremely hurtful thing to have to uncover. The reason people in emotionally abusive relationships end up asking these questions is because as a result of the abuse, you may have been directly blamed by your abuser, name-called, socially isolated or even experienced forms of gaslighting – which are all forms of emotional and psychological manipulation. The abuser usually wants you to feel that it is your fault for being mistreated.

How to leave an emotionally abusive relationship?

One of the hardest things to do is leave an emotionally abusive relationship. When you are in a situation where your partner is emotionally abusive, consequently, you may always feel uneasy or afraid. An emotionally abusive husband or an emotionally abusive boyfriend can make you feel extremely on edge and constantly walking on eggshells.

 Connecting to an emotional abuse therapist can help you alleviate these feelings and more importantly, help you figure out the safest ways to leave an emotionally abusive relationship. We strongly encourage you to reach out and inform a professional abuse therapist, your family and friends or trusted individuals that might need to help you should the situation become worse. As well as to make sure you are always safe.

 These are some useful tips you can try.

 Safe escape plan

 Why is it important to make a safe escape plan? Although emotionally abusive relationships aren’t always physically violent, this does not take away from the fact that they can be incredibly dangerous and sometimes life-threatening. If you try to leave an emotionally abusive husband or leave an emotionally abusive boyfriend, they might try to intimidate you, threaten you, physically prevent you from leaving and even prevent you from accessing your money. It’s important to have a pre-established safety plan to offer you comfort and stability. As well as to make sure that you are able to leave safely.

 Reach out to family and friends

 Beyond connecting to a professional emotional abuse therapist, we advise you to ask your friends and family for help. Set up a meeting with a trusted relative or friend when you have time alone and inform them about the situation and ask them if they would be willing to help you break away from the emotionally abusive relationship.

 Set aside finances

 A common form of control in emotionally abusive relationships can be controlling finances, they may block your access to money in order to control you. Start to slowly set aside small amounts of money that your partner won’t be able to access. To be safer, you can ask a trusted friend or family member to keep the money for you until you’re able to leave the emotionally abusive relationship and create a separate bank account

 Get another phone

 You need to be able to access the web from a safe location, it is suggested to get a prepaid phone that your abuser will not know the number to, but you will still be able to contact friends and family. Make sure you remember a list of emergency contacts in case you need to.

 Find a safe location to go after you leave

 If you can, ask a friend of a loved one if you can temporarily stay with them while you get back on your feet and find a place to stay. If that’s not an option or you’re not particularly comfortable – there are domestic violence shelters that you can stay in after escaping an emotionally abusive relationship.

 Take only the essentials

 Pack light, only the essentials so you can leave quickly. Take your most important documents as well and make sure you put the bag somewhere to grab and go in a moment’s notice.

 Plan the logistics well

 In the moment you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed, confused and filled with emotions. We suggest that you plan how you will leave in advance, if you’ll be going by foot, will you take a bus, or a train, and if you have a car, make sure that you have it fueled, in good condition and ready to go. Plan the route you’ll take as well and create a list of emergency contacts in case the situation gets out of control.

 The reason it’s important to have a safe way to leave an emotionally abusive relationship is because it takes the average woman that is an emotional abuse victim at least 7 attempts to leave before she is able to successfully and safely leave an emotionally abusive relationship. Although it may not be physically abusive, there is a chance that you may be in a dangerous position when trying to leave an emotionally abusive relationship.

How to get self esteem back after emotional abuse?

Beyond having to deal with the effects and trauma of an emotionally abusive relationship while in the relationship. Thereafter, once you have been able to leave the emotionally abusive relationship, you have to learn how to recover, emotionally, mentally and sometimes even physically. You can be left with deep emotional and psychological scars, asking yourself or wondering  how to get your self-esteem back after emotional abuse, being unsure or blaming yourself for being mistreated, ‘Why do I always get mistreated?’.

Regain offers you the best therapy for emotional abuse, with the close help and guidance from one of our professional and trained therapists, we assure you that you are in the safest and most capable hands when dealing with your challenges and consequences of an emotionally abusive relationship. The steps to recovering from emotional abuse and learning how to get over an emotionally abusive relationship are there to help you regain the strength and confidence to get your self-esteem back, you will learn how to let go of the negative self-talk and internalized insults that you may have experienced in your relationship.

We understand that overcoming an emotionally abusive relationship is not an easy journey, neither is it one you should do by yourself. As professional emotional abuse therapists that have worked daily with thousands of emotional abuse victims, we can assure you that the support when facing something of this nature is necessary. Especially from an emotional abuse therapist.

These are basic tips to try when getting your self-esteem back after an emotionally abusive relationship.

  1. Connect to an emotional abuse therapist

It’s important to understand that emotional abuse is not your fault. As an emotional abuse victim, it is natural that you may feel ashamed or embarrassed and blame yourself. This will bring your self-esteem even lower. Connect to a professional emotional abuse therapist that will be able to help alleviate your pain, anxiety and low-self esteem.

2. Slowly rebuild your confidence

Make a list of accomplishments, qualities or things you’re proud of. A promotion, going to college, taking a new fitness or dance class, anything that makes you feel good. The aim is to be objective and write down anything that comes to mind – perhaps even a compliment that someone once gave you. If you’re having a hard time, ask a friend or family member to help you. Do this exercise often to slowly get self-esteem back.

3. Become more assertive and firm with your everyday life. This helps to establish boundaries.

Emotional abuse survivors usually end up falling into passivity. This may have you finding yourself in situations where your boundaries aren’t clear to others. It will be hard when you start, but practice speaking up and expressing your feelings more often around others so your boundaries are made clear and you become more assertive.

4. Make sure people know where you stand

If you often find yourself responding to people with statements like, ‘I’m not sure’, ‘it doesn’t really matter’, this may be a habit and overtime makes you feel invisible and unimportant. Pay attention to how you feel, what you think, want, need and prefer. Do your best to communicate those things to everyone else that matters.

5. Changing negative self-thought and belief

Remind yourself that the abuse was not your fault, you are not to blame. It is hard to overcome negative self belief but every time you find yourself talking bad about yourself, try to remind yourself that you didn’t do anything wrong, the only person to blame is the abuser, you did all you could have done in the emotionally abusive relationship.

6. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations

As soon as you hear a negative thought in your mind, stop it and remind yourself, ‘I can handle this situation, I am a strong person.’. If you’re physically putting yourself down, try standing in the mirror and saying, ‘I am attractive inside and out.’.

7. Keep a journal

Write in a journal to reconnect with yourself, express your feelings to yourself and go back and give yourself credit for how much you have improved. Using the journal as a method is tracking your personal growth, inspiring yourself and pushing yourself to take the steps toward getting self-esteem back after an emotionally abusive relationship.

How does online therapy for emotional abuse work?

Online therapy for emotional abuse through Regain guarantees you the best, most affordable, effective and convenient online methods of therapy. You will learn how to accept when to leave an emotionally abusive relationship, how to leave an emotionally abusive relationship or leaving an emotionally abusive husband.

Through the close guidance, support and reassurance of your personal emotional abuse therapist, you will learn how to get over an emotionally abusive relationship, and realize that you are not at fault, slowly you will regain your confidence, strength and your self-esteem.

Regain online emotional abuse therapy is the best option for you, with the advantage of choosing your own emotional abuse therapist that you feel most comfortable with, you are also able to directly schedule and plan your sessions however and wherever you want to.

How will online therapy for emotional abuse enhance my life?

Regain emotional abuse therapists, psychologists, and coaches are certified, professional and experienced in guiding emotional abuse victims through the recovery process. Online therapy for emotional abuse has successfully been able to treat emotional abuse victims and closely guide them through acknowledging, accepting and healing from their trauma, in some cases even helping victims to avoid the long term effects of emotional abuse and life threatening consequences.

You deserve to be in control of your life and your emotions, with Regain you are our number one priority.

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