Narcissism and Childhood Trauma. Best Online Narcissistic Abuse Therapy Near Me.
If you have realized or felt that you may be experiencing narcissistic traits or behavior, or found yourself asking the mirror, “What is narcissism abuse?”, and, “Could my narcissism be connected to my childhood trauma?”, “How long does it take to recover from narcissistic abuse?”.
You are in the right place, your next step may be connecting to a specialist in narcissism and childhood trauma to help you uncover the psychological, emotional, and sometimes physical effects of your challenge.
In these materialistic, individualistic selfish social media culture times, the word narcissism has become a very trendy and buzz-like word. However, there is a rich and very important history behind narcissism and its connection to trauma.
On one spectrum narcissism can cause extreme personality traits like lack of empathy, self-absorbed and attention-seeking behavior.
On the other hand, narcissism can give us the confidence we need to pursue dreams and ambitions. When it comes to truly narcissistic individuals, at their core, they’re struggling to keep up their day-to-day superficial relationships.

How do I find a good narcissist trauma therapist near me?
They are specialized in trauma, childhood trauma, how to manage the trauma of narcissistic abuse, narcissism, and childhood trauma.
And they can help you deal with difficult situations such as: dating a victim of narcissistic abuse dealing with narcissistic individuals, figuring yourself out and how you can thrive after narcissistic abuse and even emotional abuse.
Here at PsychologyHelp, we suggest using BetterHelp, psychologists, therapists, specialists, and coaches who have been extensively trained to assist you the best way they can.
Professional, experienced and certified to assist you with any challenges you may be overwhelmed by facing alone.
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Best narcissistic abuse therapy online – Betterhelp
Connect to your personal childhood trauma therapist in one simple click: answer this questionnaire carefully, based on your responses, we will match you with a selection of the most appropriate and equipped narcissism and childhood trauma therapist near you.
The questions we have formulated puts us in a better position to connect you to the best possible childhood trauma specialist for you in order to start your journey of healing.
BetterHelp therapists for narcissistic abuse near me and specialists in narcissism and childhood trauma are made available and accessible for your convenience, whenever and wherever you are.
Our online methods of therapy are highly affordable, convenient, and effective in comparison to traditional methods of therapy.
What is narcissistic abuse?
Depending on the type of relationship, the level and nature of narcissism may differ. Narcissism is a very complex mental health condition or personality disorder that in most cases develops as a result of a traumatic and life-changing childhood.
Most times narcissists don’t even realize that there is anything wrong with their behavior, in fact, they think everyone around them is wrong.
This is why it becomes very intricate when trying to identify traits or indicators of narcissistic abuse.
Narcissistic abuse can be very subtle at times, usually, it is hard to notice as someone who suffers from NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) and even as someone is in a relationship with a narcissist, or dating a victim of narcissistic abuse.
If you think you may have NPD, here are a few characteristics you can identify:
- Demonstrations of extreme arrogance,
- Haughty attitude or behavior
- Nonsensical envy of others or the belief that people are envious of you
- Lack of empathy
- Interpersonality exploitive behavior
- Extreme sense of entitlement
- Need for constant admiration and acknowledgment
- Preoccupied with fantasies, extreme unlimited success, idealistic ways of living
- Believe that they are special and can only associate with people of a higher status
Identifying narcissistic abuse can be very tricky, but there are some indicators you can look out for that are common in people who suffer from NPD, usually, these methods of abuse or manipulation are verbal, mental, and emotional;
- Triangulation. This is a method of manipulation used to confuse you. It happens when a third person is involved in your conflict to reinforce their opinion or justify behavior or dishonesty.
- Gaslighting. When you are constantly being told that things you specifically remember did not happen. The person will often insist on saying things that change the way you think and doubt yourself.
- Hoovering. A tactic used to draw you back into a toxic, unhealthy, or abusive relationship.
- Silent treatment. Becomes manipulative when you are intentionally ignored so that they can control you or isolate you.
- Scapegoating. Usually, a parent who uses narcissistic manipulation decides on a child to place all the blame, this child is the scapegoat.
- Passive-aggression. This happens when there is indirect blame-shifting, sarcasm, or sabotage in any way.
All these forms of manipulation are tactics to try and confuse you, and your sense of reality and lower your self-esteem.
These situations are all common, it happens more often than we realize, overtime specialists and emotional trauma therapists have taken the time to figure out how to help those that have suffered from narcissistic abuse, heal and overcome their trauma through either childhood trauma therapy, narcissistic abuse therapy or narcissistic trauma therapy.
BetterHelp trauma specialists and narcissistic therapists have helped countless victims heal from unresolved childhood (adulthood) trauma challenges and learn to thrive after either experiencing direct narcissistic abuse or dating someone that has been a victim of narcissistic abuse.
It’s not easy to talk about these challenges, but we assure you that you will overcome your trauma with the close help of a therapist for narcissistic abuse.
How to detox from narcissistic abuse?
Recovery from narcissistic friend abuse will be different for each victim, depending on the severity of the abuse. We highly recommend connecting to a narcissistic abuse therapist to help you on your recovery journey.
Detox and recovery from narcissistic friend abuse:
- Cold Turkey no more contact whatsoever.
- Distance yourself tremendously if you can
- Avoid interacting with them at social events
- Set strong boundaries and consequences to accompany them
- Make your social group, loved ones aware of the situation
- Restrict them from contacting you in any way
- Seek help from a professional therapist specializing in narcissistic abuse
How long does it take to recover from narcissistic abuse?
Narcissistic abuse occurs in families, relationships, and even friendships. The extent of emotional and psychological manipulation will also differ depending on the circumstance and the narcissistic individual.
This makes it a rather interesting and complex question to answer because unfortunately no one-size-fits-all when it comes to recovering from narcissistic abuse or finding methods and ways you can thrive after narcissistic abuse.
However, if you have intentionally decided to choose yourself and focus on healing your childhood trauma, you’re looking at a few weeks, maybe months, or even years. This all depends on the depth of your situation.
Narcissistic abuse is a form of emotional abuse, and as a victim of such, it’s always important to connect to a therapist for narcissistic abuse near me and start emotional trauma therapy to help you heal and overcome your pain, and most importantly to restore the peace you deserve.
There are a number of effects caused by narcissistic abuse that make this relationship or trauma even harder to let go of or heal from.
Victims may begin to develop dangerous codependency with the abuser, this is known as Stockholm syndrome. A situation where the victim developed a psychological dependency on the narcissist, is also known as trauma bonding. This happens as a survival tactic due to helplessness, low self-esteem, isolation, and mental confusion when the victim does not feel safe with or around anyone else besides the abuser.
Another complication that has been observed in cases of narcissism and childhood trauma abuse therapy, is that more often, the causes of NPD and narcissistic abuse are connected to unresolved childhood trauma, abuse, PTSD, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, intermittent explosive disorder, or any other emotional or mental challenges.
How does online narcissistic abuse therapy near me for childhood trauma work?
It’s important for you to find the most suitable method of healing from narcissism and childhood trauma with someone who specializes in childhood trauma therapy or narcissistic abuse therapy. BetterHelp psychologists are certified, trained, and professional.
Online narcissistic abuse therapy near you is a more comfortable and convenient method of conducting therapy and counseling sessions with your chosen therapist for narcissistic abuse.
You are given the freedom and advantage of scheduling your sessions whenever you feel comfortable and ready, you are also given direct access to your therapist to be able to reach out when you need a dose of comfort or motivation or just someone to talk to, they’re there.
Online narcissistic and trauma therapy sessions are conducted from the comfort of your home.
Having online emotional trauma, narcissistic abuse or even unresolved childhood trauma therapy sessions gives you the benefit of being completely at ease, stress, and anxiety-free about having to travel to a new environment.
You are always safe, acknowledged, and guided by BetterHelp childhood trauma therapists.
How will childhood trauma therapy help me to find a breakthrough in my life?
You will learn how to understand what narcissistic abuse is and the connection to childhood trauma, and you will be guided through how to deal with your unresolved childhood trauma, and the effects that it may have on your day-to-day life.
It’s important to heal your challenges in order for you to grow as an individual and take control of your emotions so that it does not affect your ability to enjoy a full, energetic and self-fulfilling life.
Here at BetterHelp we always encourage our clients to focus on the bright side, to remember that there is always a way to heal and improve your life again. Learning to let go and find yourself again is a journey we are here to help you through.
We want you to thrive again after narcissistic abuse, we want you to overcome the challenges you have faced while dating a narcissist or teach you how to deal with it. Even more, we want you to face your own childhood trauma and help you heal.
Dealing with narcissism and childhood trauma will teach you a lot about yourself and guide you to becoming the person you deserve to be. Release the trauma and get your healing started with BetterHelp today.
For further information and online therapy you may find useful, please check our posts on:
- Unresolved childhood trauma
- EMDR therapy for childhood trauma
- Childhood trauma and ADHD
- How childhood trauma affects relationships
- Childhood trauma nightmares
- Depression from childhood trauma
- Effects of childhood trauma on adults
- Childhood abandonment trauma in adults
- Schizophrenia from childhood trauma