Therapy for Childhood Abandonment Trauma in Adults. ADHD and Childhood Trauma Therapist Near Me.
Childhood trauma abandonment is caused by the fear and anxiety around being left by people you love or people close to you. As a result, this fear can become overwhelming and is usually caused by rejection, loss, or neglect.
Adults who experience fear as a result of childhood trauma abandonment find it challenging to establish and maintain healthy relationships.
The behavior stems from parents and caregivers during childhood where children suffer from inconsistent affection, love attention, and emotional support which causes extreme fear, stress, and anxiety.

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If you have found yourself experiencing childhood abandonment trauma from unresolved childhood trauma, we recommend that you connect to a BetterHelp therapist specialized in childhood trauma for adults to guide you and help you heal through your challenges.
Our team of certified trauma specialists has taken the time to curate the most accurate questionnaire to connect you to and match you with the most suitable, professional, and experienced childhood trauma specialist. By answering this questionnaire very carefully, we make use of your answers in order to present a selection of our best trauma specialists for you to choose from.
BetterHelp online methods of trauma therapy sessions are competitively priced, affordable, convenient, and proven successful.
Based on our previous clients’ healing and overcoming their fear of abandonment childhood trauma, the effects of childhood trauma, emotional abandonment in childhood, understanding how the brain builds resilience in childhood trauma and how to cope with adverse childhood experiences and the lifelong consequences.
We offer you the comfort of professionalism, one-on-one sessions, and personalized healing methods.
What is childhood abandonment trauma in adults?
It is a frequently asked question of what exactly is childhood abandonment trauma? Childhood abandonment trauma is caused by the fear and anxiety around being left by people you love or people close to you. As a result, this fear can become overwhelming and is usually caused by rejection, loss, or neglect.
Adults who experience fear and anxiety of being left alone or neglected as a result of childhood trauma abandonment find it challenging to establish and maintain healthy relationships.
During childhood when you face abandonment, you subconsciously develop the effects of childhood trauma.
When children suffer abandonment in their tender years, they don’t fully understand why and they’re unable to process the trauma and consequently, a traumatic experience like that forces build resilience in childhood trauma for them to be able to cope with the emotional, mental and psychological damage being caused. As a result of emotional, physical, or financial abandonment by a parent, caregiver, or key figures in your who were meant to provide you with a safe and comfortable environment to grow up in, you, unfortunately, develop challenges that range from:
- Not being able to maintain healthy relationships
- Unable or struggle to trust anyone
- Chronic fear, stress, and anxiety
When you experience something as traumatic as childhood abandonment trauma, your subconscious develops toxic attachment styles that motivate and predict how you will manage and navigate relationships in your adult life, including expectations, the nature of the relationship, management styles, and attitude towards connections.
The attachment styles are:
1 – Anxious Attachment:
An anxious attachment is categorized by the need for emotional proximity and physical closeness. This happens when as a child you were deprived of emotional support by a key figure in your life. Adults who experience anxious attachment become hypervigilant when it comes to assessing their worthiness in a relationship, they constantly fear being left by the other person. This causes chronic stress and anxiety and as a result, can develop irrational fears and insecurities.
2 – Avoidant attachment
Someone with an avoidant attachment style finds intimacy and closeness challenging. They subconsciously avoid intimacy and closeness as maintaining independence gives them more security and less risk of being hurt and left alone again. When someone develops an avoidant attachment style, it is usually linked to them having built resilience in childhood trauma and now are unfortunately dealing with the consequences. An avoidant person views connection as unattainable and undesirable, consequently may be distant and distrusting of people and have difficulty being vulnerable and open.
3 – Disorganized attachment
This happens as experiencing a parent or caregiver behaving in a contradicting or inconsistent manner, which creates confusion, insecurity, anxiety, trouble managing moods, struggling to be secure within your identity, and social challenges. People with disorganized attachment styles are at risk of developing personality disorders such as schizophrenia.
If you feel that you may have been experiencing the effects of childhood abandonment as an adult, here are signals to look out for:
- Depression or anxiety
- Difficulty trusting others
- Developing relationships unnaturally fast
- Codependency
- Staying in a relationship that is unhealthy
- Avoiding situations and relationships where you may experience rejection or separation
- Trouble regulating emotions and stress
- Panic related to separation
Managing and coping with the adverse effect of childhood trauma is an extremely sensitive challenge that should always be handled by a professional childhood abandonment trauma specialist for adults.
Our BetterHelp trauma specialists are trained to help you develop unique methods to help you heal and overcome the fear of abandonment, the effects of childhood trauma in adulthood, and learning to undo the adverse childhood experiences and the lifelong consequences.
You will be closely guided step-by-step on how to solve the root causes of your emotional abandonment in childhood.
Effects of childhood trauma in adulthood
A therapist specializing in childhood trauma near me will provide you the opportunity to understand the effects of childhood trauma on adults.
We understand that identifying and acknowledging the long-term effects is not a one-shoe-fits-all situation. Once you have identified the signals of childhood abandonment trauma in your adult life, you will need to unpack the effects of childhood trauma in adulthood.
Growing up, a child depends on their family, parents, and caregivers to provide stability, comfort, and protection. As well as emotional and physical support to ensure that you develop and grow up healthily.
When that is taken away by abandonment, a child is almost forced to develop resilience in childhood abandonment trauma as a coping or survival method. This can cause serious adverse effects if not dealt with in time and with the assistance of a professional.
Psychological, emotional, and mental challenges develop over time.
Childhood trauma affects adulthood by:
- Developing insecurities
- The inability to trust people
- Questioning your self-worth, self-esteem challenges
- Mental illness and psychological issues that can develop into personality disorders
- Disconnected from others
- Harboring negative emotions of guilt, anger, frustration, and fear
The adverse effects of childhood trauma and the lifelong consequences in adulthood are plenty.
According to the National Traumatic Stress Network, there is a strong connection between childhood trauma and high-risk behavior in adulthood as a result of forming their own coping mechanisms to manage, numb, or survive their day-to-day life. They may live on eggshells as a result of having to become accustomed to a parent or caretaker lashing out.
Childhood abandonment trauma causes fear of abandonment in adults and consequently leads to dysfunctionality relationships, and high-risk behavior (smoking, unprotected sex, drug or substance abuse), which results in chronic health issues like heart disease, STIs, or STDs that can be life-threatening.
Addiction as an attachment disorder?
It is common for adults who have not experienced a healthy or sufficient secure base to develop negative attachment habits. Adopted adults who are challenged with unresolved emotions or feelings from childhood are predisposed to having negative expectations and perceptions of relationships, emotions and self-awareness.
Individuals with increasing insecurity and anxiety are prone to face difficulties with their regulation and expression of emotions. They tend to develop addiction as an attachment disorder as a seemingly attractive way of regulating stress, anxiety and emotions, as well as means to replace relationships and avoid attachment needs.
Adopted attachment disorders that are not managed effectively can cause a negative ripple effect into multiple avenues of your life. Developing addiction as a form of attachment is linked to unresolved and dismissed attachment styles.
Addiction as an attachment disorder is heavily related to feelings of isolation, lack of intimate or meaningful relationships, lack of emotional support, and a negative self-image. The use of substances, becomes a means of coping and escapism, which in turn, causes further complications to the average attachment style.
Attachment and Trauma Therapy: How to overcome abandonment issues from childhood?
Overcoming abandonment issues requires exploring the trauma that may have happened, revisiting this by yourself could cause high levels of stress and anxiety and it is always advisable to seek support from a professional attachment therapist or mental health support professional.
Although it is entirely possible to overcome childhood abandonment issues in adults you will need guidance and support.
To heal and overcome abandonment issues, you need to address the wound.
Steps to help you overcome abandonment issues:
1. The grieving process.
Abandonment is painful. It is the loss of something you deserved and never received which has now left a wound. To heal this wound, you need to grieve the loss.
The first step to overcoming is to address the feelings of hurt, anger, frustration, anxiety, or sadness that you may have felt. It is suggested to write a letter to the person as though you would be giving it to them, it is a method of processing and addressing the emotions.
2. Allow yourself to feel.
Try not to push the feelings that come up away, it’s important to let them out entirely and as they come out. This helps you to release and express those emotions.
3. Identify what hurt the most.
If the abandonment happened during your childhood, imagine yourself as that child again. Visualize what you were feeling and what behaviors or actions made you feel this way. Write these down.
4. Picture your compassionate and healthy self.
It’s important to allow yourself to offer your younger, abandoned hurt self the love, protection, empathy, encouragement, and validation that you were deprived of. This is a crucial part of healing.
5. Identify your coping mechanisms.
Take note of what you do when you feel hurt, sad, rejected, ignored, or angry. Whether self-isolating, silent, or angry outbursts. Write those down and reassure yourself that there is no need for that anymore, you are healing the abandoned child in you, and you are safe, loved, protected, and seen.
These steps are the process of acknowledging, processing, and honoring your feelings. In doing this you are allowing yourself to deeply understand and address the hurt you have felt. It is part of the journey to overcome abandonment issues.
In addition to these self-help steps, please be advised to reach out to a professional attachment therapist that can help you further understand and address your challenges.
What causes reactive attachment disorder?
To identify the signs or symptoms of reactive attachment disorder you need to understand what causes reactive attachment disorder in adults.
A therapist specializing in reactive attachment disorder can help you more clearly define your signs, symptoms, and triggers of reactive attachment disorder to help you overcome them and heal from them. Additionally, learn how to manage your reactions and maintain a balanced emotional and mental state of being.
The most commonly reported causes of reactive attachment disorder are children that have experienced a vast amount of stressors, abuse, or neglect in their childhood.
Those that have lived in different orphanages or foster homes are more prone to develop reactive attachment disorder during adolescence and later in adulthood which can potentially cause dangerous or high-risk behavior.
Reactive Attachment Disorder Treatment: How to overcome reactive attachment disorder in adults?
Overcoming reactive attachment disorder as an adult is possible.
With the support of loved ones and family as well as the close guidance of a professional reactive attachment disorder specialist. As your reactive attachment disorder has developed throughout adulthood, it can become a challenge to unlearn and overcome the negative effects. Before establishing your method of reactive attachment disorder therapy, identify goals and expectations that you have and want to achieve from your sessions.
Start your healing by trying these tips:
1. Do your research.
It’s important to learn about reactive attachment disorder to help you understand yourself.
2. Create a support system.
Everyone needs a break sometimes, during your healing journey of reactive attachment disorder, you should find close friends or family that can take your mind off of things if you become overwhelmed.
3. Find healthy stress relief
Different methods of self-regulation can help you manage your stress levels, exercise and meditation are highly recommended.
4. Practice self-love and reassurance.
Let yourself know that you love and appreciate yourself, positive affirmations can help you regain confidence and self-esteem.
5. Set time aside for yourself
Get involved with new hobbies, or fun activities that you enjoy. It could be by yourself or in groups and in public spaces. Social interaction during hobbies and activities can help you maintain a healthy and stable mood.
6. Acknowledge your progress
Take notes on your journey to overcome reactive attachment disorder. Small victories will encourage you to keep moving forward.
What are childhood trauma and ADHD?
Childhood Trauma; Childhood trauma is a conscious or unconscious disruptive emotional reaction to a terrible life-changing event or experience. Understanding the cause and effect of childhood trauma is highly encouraged by psychologists and trauma specialists.
Identifying the difference between unresolved childhood trauma and unresolved childhood issues is critical when seeking the right childhood trauma therapist.
ADHD; Attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder. It is a mental condition that can lead to unstable relationships, poor work performance, and low self-esteem.
People that have ADHD find it challenging to maintain focus, they also experience hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. These symptoms can be worsened by drug or/and substance abuse.
Traumatic events in a child’s life can dramatically worsen the symptoms of ADHD. Over 17% of children who are exposed to violence or trauma meet the criteria of ADHD patients and having the co-occurrence of both trauma and ADHD worsens the effect of both.
Trauma on its own affects the brain’s regions that increase:
- Hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention
- Social and learning difficulties
- Mood disorder, anxiety, and other mental and physical challenges
It’s critical to understand the connection between PTSD and ADHD when seeking therapy. It is not to make this mistake of confusing ADHD with childhood trauma, it is a mistake often made as the symptoms are very similar. Understanding what traumatic stress does to the brain, why and how it causes more traumatic experiences and how to protect patients from it.
Traumatic stress in someone’s childhood like premature birth, toxic environment, abuse, violence, mistreatment, etc., is directly associated with ADHD. It builds a deeply rooted amount of stress and fear, resulting in the body prolonging stress management.
Anyone confronted with a stressful situation causes the body to release adrenaline, this is your ‘fight or flight’, the body’s reaction to keep you safe. Cortisol is also activated, a stress hormone, helping to mobilize the body’s stress sores.
When a child experiences a traumatic event or situation, their bodies are unable to process it properly, causing a delay and buffer in the psychological stress response, resulting in a longer hold on toxic shock.
What are the differences between childhood trauma and ADHD?
ADHD is a mental condition that is typically categorized by hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, and inattentiveness. Whereas childhood trauma is a mental, emotional or physical reaction to a traumatic or shocking event.
Everything we go through in life has a direct impact on our daily functionality, sometimes it can be hard to tell what exactly is causing us to react, think or feel the way we do. How childhood trauma can be mistaken for ADHD is due to the fact that the symptoms are very similar.
Those affected by ADHD and trauma usually present similar symptoms, here is how to identify the differences:
Shared symptoms of ADHD and Trauma:
- Agitation and irritability
- Impulsive behavior and risk-taking
- Disorganization
- Poor self-esteem
- Inattention and distractions
- Poor concentration
- Difficulty completing tasks, school work, chores, etc.
Symptoms unique to ADHD:
- Hyperactivity
- Forgetfulness
- Impulsivity
Symptoms unique to trauma:
- Nightmares
- Flashbacks
- Disassociation
- Random and unexplained outbursts of anger
Can childhood trauma cause ADHD?
Yes, childhood trauma can cause ADHD, studies show that there is a direct connection between childhood trauma and ADHD. Childhood trauma causes toxic shock to the brain and the body, affecting psychological development and processing.
Long-term effects of this can lead to ADHD among other mental, emotional or physical disorders if not dealt with through childhood trauma therapy for adults. The regions of the brain that are affected by toxic shock and trauma are associated with; fear, anxiety, memory, reasoning, planning, and behavior.
This results in a lack of ability to process or control rationality, emotions, and even behavior.
Toxic shock levels as a result of childhood trauma can cause neuronal cell death, meaning that the regions of your brain that are associated with function, self-regulation, emotional regulation, reactivity, and attention die off as a response to untreated trauma and shock.
It is advised for people that are experiencing ADHD as a result of unresolved childhood trauma to learn how to heal the subconscious trauma from childhood experiences.
A way to easily understand how childhood trauma affects ADHD is to look at groups of the causes:
- Abuse; mental, physical, sexual, psychological
- Neglect; Physical, emotional
- Household or community Dysfunction; mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence, incarceration, or divorce
How childhood trauma could be mistaken for ADHD?
It is easy to understand how childhood trauma could be mistaken for ADHD as their symptoms are very similar. In childhood trauma therapy for adults, you learn how to tell the difference and how to heal subconscious trauma from childhood.
ADHD is a mental condition that is typically categorized by hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, and inattentiveness. Whereas childhood trauma is a mental, emotional, or physical reaction to a traumatic or shocking event.
Those affected by ADHD and trauma usually present similar symptoms, here is how to identify the differences:
Shared symptoms of ADHD and Trauma:
- Agitation and irritability
- Impulsive behavior and risk-taking
- Disorganization
- Poor self-esteem
- Inattention and distractions
- Poor concentration
- Difficulty completing tasks, school work, chores, etc.
Symptoms unique to ADHD:
- Hyperactivity
- Forgetfulness
- Impulsivity
Symptoms unique to trauma:
- Nightmares
- Flashbacks
- Disassociation
- Random and unexplained outbursts of anger
Can a childhood trauma cause nightmare disorder?
Unfortunately, trauma is a more common experience in childhood life than we realize, and are directly connected to severe health-related challenges and concerns throughout childhood and adulthood.
The simple answer is yes, childhood trauma can cause nightmare disorders.
Nightmares are common in the early childhood stages as a result of a traumatic experience. This continues long into the lifespan of adulthood. Nightmare disorders are strongly associated with and triggered by stress, anxiety, and trauma.
Especially, imagery rehearsal therapy for nightmare disorders and childhood trauma nightmares has been used as an effective method of therapy to help patients cope, manage and heal their childhood trauma in order to stop their chronic nightmares.
In adulthood it is common to experience the signs of childhood trauma when faced with unresolved challenges:
1. Unexplained strong reactions to certain people
If you have ever felt ‘off’ about someone, it could be an indication of childhood trauma in adults. Your body naturally goes into protective mode as a reaction to something about someone that reminds you of a traumatic past incident or person.
This is when nightmare disorders begin to develop over time.
2․ Uneasiness in certain places
The brain subconsciously attaches places to memories through colors, smells, shapes, people, and emotions, it can be unexplained but places can trigger anxiety, stress, and unpleasant emotions as a reaction to your traumatic experience as a child.
Being in similar settings can trigger a deep fear causing your body to respond in flight or fight mode.
3․ Extreme unexplained emotional shifts
Someone that’s experiencing childhood trauma in their adulthood can experience intense emotional shifts at random. As a result, causes intense childhood trauma nightmares, and nightmare disorder.
After all, emotions are already hard to control and understand, and those facing childhood trauma in adulthood may find it even more difficult. You may sometimes find yourself getting extremely angry over something small or maybe going from very relaxed to suddenly anxious and uneasy due to a trigger you may not even realize consciously.
4․ Attachment issues
Living with childhood trauma as an adult and nightmare disorders and issues experience a deep sense of fear of abandonment, and attachment issues stem from past traumatic events, resulting in developmental disruptions.
You may find yourself becoming extremely attached to someone and getting overly upset, angry, or fearful of them leaving, for example, if a partner is going out with friends or out of town, this causes fear and anxiety.
In this way, online nightmare disorder therapy for adults, childhood trauma therapy for adults, or imagery rehearsal therapy for nightmares, through BetterHelp specialists, will help you manage and overcome childhood trauma nightmares and teach you how to deal with nightmare disorders.
5․ Anxiety
Most people experience anxiety throughout their lives, however, those experiencing unresolved childhood trauma may have higher and more intense symptoms of anxiety.
As you go through unresolved childhood trauma therapy or counseling with a trained professional trauma specialist for adults, you will start to uncover how your anxiety is linked to your childhood traumas.
6․ Childish reactions
Outbursts of childishness and immaturity are normal on occasion in adults, but if you are experiencing these reactions and outbursts more frequently that regress you into a child-like state, typically that is identified as a sign of dealing with childhood trauma in adults.
These reactions are usually being overly angry about small things, speaking in a childlike voice when you’re angry, and even being unnecessarily stubborn and unwilling to hear other people’s perspectives.
7․ Constant exhaustion
Mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion are indicators of suppressed and unresolved childhood trauma.
If you are feeling drained most of the time, it’s because your brain has subconsciously repressed these emotions, and most of your energy is spent on that instead of allowing you to have a full and energetic life that you deserve.
8․ Difficulty coping in normally stressful situations
Life is known to put you through constant stressors, from work-life, family, and personal circumstances. Adults dealing with unresolved or repressed childhood trauma find it hard to cope in these situations, causing them to lash out or withdraw as a coping mechanism to protect themselves.
What is rejection trauma?
Rejection trauma can happen as a consequence of being emotionally rejected by a parent, or emotionally rejected by a husband or wife.
Rejection trauma can leave long-lasting emotional damage that causes the development of unhealthy coping mechanisms or attachment styles. Rejection in a relationship or rejection in marriage consequently causes partners to feel extremely anxious, fearful, unwanted, lonely, insecure, and depressed. It is advised to deal with the signs of rejection and the effect of rejection as soon as you realize it may be negatively impacting your wellbeing.
A new study of rejection has revealed that the effects of rejection can have a direct impact on your physical well-being. It is known to cause inflammation, as well as increase the risk of developing challenges such as arthritis, asthma, and cardiovascular disease. Rejection also causes a detrimental effect on mental health.
The effects of rejection:
- Trauma
- Depression
- Lack of appropriate response to pain
- High levels of stress and anxiety
- Prone to physical and mental illness
- Anger management challenges
- Poor health
- Impulsive behavior or reactions
The effects of rejection can be long-lasting and if left untreated, can develop into chronic stress, prolonged trauma, and high-risk behavioral habits.
What are the symptoms of emotional rejection?
Emotional rejection happens when someone does not achieve something they deeply desired, this causes the experience of extreme disappointment. People who struggle with emotional rejection often find themselves working harder to please people and feel accepted. They go to lengths to make sure that they are not in a position or a situation that could potentially cause rejection.
Emotional rejection can cause socially awkward or withdrawn behavior. This negatively affects social interaction as well as interpersonal relationships.
Common symptoms of emotional rejection:
- Easily embarrassed
- Quick to anger or have an overly emotional outburst if rejected
- Often sets high standards for themselves they might fail to meet
- Low self-esteem or self-confidence
- Struggles with social interactions
- High stress and anxiety levels
- Struggles to maintain healthy personal relationships
- Often feels like a failure
Emotional rejection is a traumatic experience, it can be severely damaging to your psychological well-being. We advise you to reach out to a professional fear of rejection therapist or a mental health specialist to further guide you through overcoming the fear of rejection.
What causes fear of rejection?
The causes of fear of rejection can be traumatic experiences of rejection from familial relationships, romantic or intimate relationships, friendships, or work relationships. Past experiences with rejection play a huge role as a cause of fear of rejection.
Causes of rejection can be a result of multiple small experiences that might have happened long throughout your life, for example, perhaps getting chosen last for a game of dodgeball in gym class back in the day, or not getting chosen for the position at a workplace. Fear of rejection can stem from being left by a significant other and feeling rejected as a result.
There are many different causes of fear of rejection. In a familial setting, kids are sometimes emotionally rejected and made to feel insecure or unsafe by a caregiver or parent; this can influence social rejection later in life.
As human beings we have a fundamental need to belong beyond needing essentials such as food and water, human beings need intimate and meaningful positive relationships.
When someone is rejected and does not achieve a positive or healthy happy relationship or connection this leads to feelings of rejection and anxiety.
How to overcome the fear of rejection?
Are you experiencing fear of rejection? The symptoms of fear of rejection may develop and intensify if left unaddressed. It is highly encouraged by rejection therapists to seek professional guidance sooner rather than later to avoid any further negative effects of your fear of rejection. If you have experienced any of the following forms of rejection throughout your life it is suggested that you try the following steps to help overcome and heal from your fear of rejection.
- Emotional rejection from loved ones
- Emotionally rejected by mother or father
- Emotionally rejected by husband
- Emotional rejection from a friend
- Rejected it the workplace
- Emotional rejection in a relationship from a partner
- Emotional rejection in a marriage
Steps to help you overcome the fear of rejection:
1. Practice self-regulation techniques.
It’s important to be able to identify and effectively control your emotions, behaviors, and reactions. In cases where you may feel negative thoughts setting in and contributing to or amplifying your fears – learn to reassure yourself that it’s just a feeling. Actively take steps to reframe your thinking habits to encourage more optimistic thinking.
2. Identify and face the fear.
Overcoming a fear of rejection involves learning how to manage and cope with unpleasant feelings and thoughts. Try not to avoid places and situations that trigger you, but rather face the fear without avoidance. You will quickly realize that the outcome is not as stress or anxiety-provoking as you expected.
3. Learn to be resilient.
Being able to bring yourself back up after a setback is the most important part of overcoming the fear of rejection. By doing this you will become stronger and more confident. Minor setbacks will not have as much of an intense impact on you any longer.
If you find that your fear of rejection may be out of your control, we encourage you to reach out to a professional to help you healthily cope and manage with fear of rejection.
How does online childhood abandonment trauma in adults therapy work?
With direct access to a therapist specializing in childhood trauma for adults, you have the advantage of access to your chosen childhood trauma therapist for adults, who you can schedule sessions with based completely on your availability.
No worries about travel time and having to rearrange your life to fit in a session, and to be able to reach out when you need a dose of comfort or motivation or just someone to talk to, they’re there, whenever and however you need it.
BetterHelp online trauma therapy sessions are affordable and convenient and it’s all from the comfort of your home. Having online childhood trauma and depression therapy sessions gives you the benefit of being completely comfortable, stress, and anxiety-free.
You are always safe, acknowledged, and guided by BetterHelp childhood trauma therapists.
How will childhood abandonment trauma in adults therapy help me to regain control in my life?
Foremost, you will learn about yourself, how to regain control in your life and get yourself back to a healthy position of healing and overcoming childhood abandonment trauma, and guide you to becoming the person you are striving to be.
Allow yourself the chance to deal with the effects of childhood trauma, childhood abandonment trauma, and the emotional and psychological effects.
Connecting to someone through BetterHelp online methods of therapy that specializes in childhood abandonment trauma for adults will give you guidance through understanding challenges and obstacles like having to build resilience in childhood trauma, the adverse childhood experiences, and the long life consequences.